Apa yang Blogger Aren t Menceritakan Anda Tentang Perdagangan Forex. Diposting Oleh Jay 4 Januari 2017 10 Komentar. Baru-baru ini saya telah membaca beberapa saran mengerikan mengenai lebih dari beberapa blog keuangan yang saya tidak akan memanggil orang secara khusus, namun tampaknya banyak Dari para blogger menganjurkan perdagangan valuta asing Forex ke pembaca mereka. Posko ini sering menyajikan perdagangan Forex sebagai cara sederhana, berisiko rendah, cara menghasilkan pendapatan pasif. Permasalahan bahasa saya, tapi ini omong kosong karena begitu banyak alasan. Blog-blog khusus ini tidak mengarah pada Maju atau bahkan di atas rata-rata investor Memberi saran kepada investor pemula untuk mulai berkecimpung di pasar Forex hanyalah nasihat sembrono. Kebenaran Tentang Perdagangan Forex.1 Pasar Forex lebih korup, dan lebih dimanipulasi daripada kendaraan dagang lain yang dapat Anda pikirkan di sana. Adalah peraturan yang sangat sedikit dan tidak ada buku terpusat untuk perdagangan Forex. Saham dan obligasi perusahaan pialang Anda mengirimkan setiap perdagangan ke bursa independen untuk diisi, menagih Anda se T komisi terlepas dari apakah perdagangan Anda adalah pemenang atau pecundang Karena tidak ada pertukaran tunggal untuk perdagangan Forex, pialang Forex sering menghasilkan uang dengan bermain di sisi lain perdagangan Anda Sama seperti dealer di meja blackjack di Vegas Tidak mengherankan jika mereka mengatakan tutup Ke 90 trader Forex kehilangan uang.2 Perdagangan valas adalah permainan zero-sum Setiap perdagangan yang Anda buat pada dasarnya adalah taruhan terhadap investor lain mengenai apakah mata uang tertentu akan naik atau turun Bagi seseorang untuk menghasilkan uang di pasar Forex, orang lain memiliki Untuk kehilangan uang Jika Anda memiliki lebih banyak informasi dan strategi yang lebih baik maka Anda dapat menghasilkan uang dengan trading Forex Namun dengan trader profesional, bank dan institusi lain sering berada di sisi lain dari perdagangan tersebut, seberapa sering Anda berpikir kemungkinannya menguntungkan Anda Ada Adalah pepatah di dunia poker Tidak masalah jika Anda menjadi pemain poker terbaik ke-9 di dunia jika Anda duduk dalam permainan dengan 8 besar. Pelajarannya, jangan bermain dalam permainan mana pun Anda tidak memiliki keunggulan. .3 Ada E adalah sistem yang tidak tepat untuk menghasilkan uang di perdagangan Forex Lakukan pencarian Google dengan cepat untuk Trading Forex dan Anda akan mendapatkan halaman demi halaman produk dan kursus gratis yang mengklaim memiliki rahasia untuk menghasilkan uang dengan mata uang 99 di antaranya tidak lebih dari scammy Omong kosong.4 Pasar valas sangat tidak stabil Lihatlah apa yang terjadi pada Dolar setiap saat Ben Bernanke berbicara Mata uang dipindahkan oleh sejumlah besar faktor ekonomi dan politik, yang sebagian besar sangat tidak dapat diprediksi Ini hanya menciptakan ladang ranjau untuk investor waktu kecil dengan reguler Pekerjaan ketika mereka mencoba mengikuti semua data.5 Ada sejumlah besar leverage di pasar Forex Ketika Anda membuka akun trading Forex, Anda harus terlebih dahulu membuka rekening margin dengan broker trading standar Anda dilakukan pada 100.000 unit mata uang. , Rumah broker akan menawarkan rasio leverage mana saja dari 10 1 sampai 200 1 untuk melengkapi perdagangan. Penguatan ini secara signifikan memperbesar keuntungan dan kerugian Anda pada setiap perdagangan dan membutuhkan Dengan disiplin yang luar biasa untuk mengelola, jujur saja, rata-rata orang tidak dapat menangani beberapa kartu kredit tanpa terbawa. Saya rasa aman untuk mengatakan bahwa kebanyakan orang tidak memiliki apa yang diperlukan untuk mengelola pengaruh mereka di pasar Forex. Saya tidak mencoba mengatakan itu tidak mungkin untuk menghasilkan uang di pasar valuta asing Tapi bagi investor Forex yang kecil dan tidak berpengalaman seperti mengarungi perairan hiu yang penuh dengan pakaian wanita Lady Gaga Anda akan dilayani dengan lebih baik ke Vegas dan Taruhan baris pass di meja craps, itu akan membawa Anda ke kebebasan finansial sama cepatnya. Saya mengambil masalah dengan blog tertentu yang pernah saya lihat tentang hal ini baru-baru ini karena mereka diarahkan pada rata-rata, investor waktu kecil Satu hal yang saya perhatikan adalah Bahwa masing-masing posting ini berisi link afiliasi ke situs perdagangan Forex Meskipun saya tidak memiliki banyak hal untuk mencoba menghasilkan uang dari posting blog Anda, saya juga akan melakukannya, satu hal yang tidak akan pernah saya lakukan adalah merekomendasikan produk atau servi Bagi pembaca saya, saya tidak akan merekomendasikan kepada keluarga saya sendiri Fakta bahwa tautan afiliasi itu lazim di pos ini memberi tahu saya satu dari dua hal. Entah para blogger ini sedang menulis tulisan tentang hal-hal yang tidak mereka pahami sama sekali, atau mereka dengan sengaja menyesatkan pendapat mereka. Target pembaca untuk mendapatkan referral afiliasi Saya tidak yakin mana yang akan lebih buruk. Bagi blogger yang punya, atau berencana merekomendasikan trading Forex ke pembacanya saya menantang anda untuk memasukkan uang anda ke tempat keyboard mulut anda. Kecuali anda mempunyai pengalaman trading Forex , Dan yang lebih penting lagi, menghasilkan uang di Forex selama jangka waktu yang signifikan Don t merekomendasikan hal ini kepada pembaca Anda. Nikmati tulisan ini Ingin memastikan bahwa Anda tidak merindukan posting masa depan Pastikan untuk berlangganan RSS feed jika Anda tidak melakukannya. Sudah, dan pastikan untuk tetap berhubungan di Facebook dan Twitter. Saya harus bilang saya sangat setuju Trading Forex atau jenis pasar lainnya hanya akan berakibat pada kerugian Options trading adalah BAD BUSINESS Anda tidak bisa ma Ke uang karena tidak ada konsistensi terhadap pasar ini. Saya telah melakukan trading forex selama beberapa tahun dengan memalukan, saya telah kehilangan sejumlah besar uang dan waktu yang saya pikir saya memiliki keunggulan alami dengan tingkat menza iq, dikombinasikan dengan banyak Waktu luang Strategi kemenangan saya selamanya diperbarui, dan waktu dihabiskan untuk tes ulang dan penerapan dengan jumlah kecil Akhirnya frustrasi akan mengambil alih dan leverage akan meningkat Setelah keuntungan besar ada kerugian besar Tidak ada yang berhasil Saya menyerah Semua jumlah trading forex adalah Perjudian Waktu untuk membuangnya dan beralih ke sesuatu yang tidak baik untuk menjadi kenyataan Dan jika Anda membaca peringatan ini dan memutuskan untuk tidak mendengarkan, saya tidak menyalahkan Anda bahwa saya pernah berada di posisi Anda sehingga saya benar-benar mengerti. Saya minta maaf , Saya harus tidak setuju Anda bisa menghasilkan uang di pasar forex, hanya sistem wizard paling dan rahasia trading di internet yang tidak berguna Untuk mengalahkan bank dan rumah investasi, Anda harus memilih kerangka waktu yang cukup besar yang saya gunakan 4h. Ch Seni dan perdagangan hanya memberi sinyal di sana, karena itu cukup relevan Jika Anda melompat masuk dan keluar setiap beberapa jam, ke mana Anda berniat untuk menghasilkan keuntungan Anda Beri ruang dan waktu pasar untuk memberi Anda keuntungan Itulah sebabnya mengapa kebanyakan pedagang kehilangan, karena mereka Adalah perdagangan pada kerangka waktu yang tidak sesuai dengan kapasitas dan kemampuan mereka. Pada grafik 4h, cukup untuk berdagang setiap beberapa hari Jika kerangka waktu Anda cukup besar, Anda memiliki kemewahan untuk tidak peduli dengan apa yang Draghi atau yang lainnya katakan juga, don t Fundamental perdagangan, tetap berpegang pada teknikal Dan apakah bank dan rumah investasi adalah tembakan besar, seperti yang mereka katakan Baca beberapa analisis dan perkiraan dari mereka yang bertanggal beberapa bulan dan periksa apakah mereka benar atau tidak Biasanya Anda akan melihat, Bahwa bahkan mereka tidak tahu, di mana pasar bergerak dalam jangka panjang. Mereka hanya memiliki pengelolaan uang yang baik dan banyak waktu untuk sebuah bank, tidak masalah jika menyimpan satu juta kehilangan posisi selama berbulan-bulan sebelum pasar berubah. Bagi Anda, Sebagai priv Makan pedagang, ini bisa menjadi masalah. oh, dan satu hal lagi Pedagang yang paling tidak berhasil longgar karena mereka diam, yaitu menukar apa yang mereka harapkan yang mungkin terjadi dan bukan apa yang sebenarnya terjadi Itu juga kesalahan saya untuk waktu yang lama dan hilang juga Banyak uang sampai saya mengubah keseluruhan pandangan, bagaimana saya melihat pasar. Dan perhatikan bahwa saya tidak mencoba menjual buku keajaiban atau konten situs web di sini. Greg Connell mengatakan bahwa saya hanya ingin menambahkan, untuk pertimbangan Anda, sesuatu yang saya Saya bekerja melalui Jika kita dibantu maka jadilah jujurlah terhadap diri sendiri tentang apa yang Anda pikirkan tentang uang Apakah Anda diberi tahu uang yang diajarkan adalah akar dari semua kejahatan cinta Apakah Anda membenci kejahatan atau apakah Anda mencintainya Jelas Anda membenci kejahatan Anda? Orang baik Sekarang, siapa di balik kutipan tentang uang jahat dll Saya akan mengatakan bahwa mereka yang mengendalikan jumlah uang beredar adalah orang-orang yang memberi pelajaran itu jauh dan luas sehingga mereka memiliki semua kekuatan uang yang mereka inginkan. Masalah dipecahkan Anda bukan Menghasilkan uang karena Anda membencinya. Elia Kass Ab say. Saya setuju dengan semua komentar Tapi jika Anda berada di dalam dengan amal smalest membuat banyak operasi pada saat yang sama membiarkan operasi ur berhari-hari berhenti kehilangan atau keuntungan Anda sampai saat trading Anda akan berkomentar bahwa pasar bergerak dengan cepat dua Kali atau tiga kali lebih lemah Yang terburuk daripada perjudian pialang dan bank mengambil uang dari investor yang paling kecil Terima kasih Saya pikir bahwa saya sendirian dalam bisnis yang buruk ini Dont mencobanya sulit untuk menang dan sangat mudah kalah. . Rahasia sukses di forex sangat mendasar.1 Waktu screen time memahami aksi harga agar bisa benar-benar memahami pergerakan harga karena mengarah pada pelepasan ekonomi bendera merah.2 Pemilihan pasangan selalu mengotori pasangan terlemah melawan yang terkuat. 3 strategi yang tidak menggunakan indikator jangan menggunakan jalur support atau resistance atau trendlines dimana ini adalah smart money yang mengambil uang Anda.4 Pengendalian risiko tidak pernah memiliki lebih dari 2 persen total modal yang berisiko setiap saat dan selalu menggunakan stop loss jika anda memiliki muli Pasang pada pasangan yang sama pada tingkat yang berbeda dari pada memastikan mereka bereak bahkan dan tutup sebelum membuka lebih banyak pesanan.5 Skalping dan perdagangan hari adalah metode yang hilang yang bisa Anda bunuh pada penyebarannya juga biasanya Anda memiliki 3 hari dalam seminggu dengan Rentang yang sangat ketat.6 Buku-buku perdagangan tidak ada gunanya untuk trading Saya telah membaca setiap buku trading yang pernah ditulis dan sejujurnya saya bisa mengatakan bahwa saya tidak mengetahui apa-apa yang berharga dari salah satu dari mereka.7 Strategi strategi pemasaran yang telah terbukti telah terbukti dari ribuan Perdagangan Jika Anda trading sistem dan Anda tidak tahu apakah itu memiliki tepi daripada hidup Anda pada harapan tidak logika.8 disiplin Setiap strategi telah menang dan kalah adalah saat dimana pedagang buruk meniup ketika mereka memiliki 10 pemenang berturut-turut mereka Mulai percaya mereka adalah penyihir dan mulai menempatkan perdagangan jauh lebih besar yang tidak pernah berakhir dengan baik. Setiap strategi memiliki periode penarikan pada beberapa waktu yang tidak biasa bagi saya untuk memiliki 20 kerugian berturut-turut Di sinilah pedagang yang buruk mulai meningkat Ukuran taruhan untuk mendapatkan kembali kerugian sebelumnya Hal ini mungkin akan menyebabkan 90 persen ledakan akun.9 Tidak pernah rata-rata menurunkan barang Anda, hal itu akan menghancurkan akun Anda lebih cepat atau lambat.10 Strategi Anda harus logis memiliki keunggulan dan memiliki keputusan yang sangat kecil. Procces.11 Hanya membeli di bar banteng hanya menjual di atas batang beruang lupa analisis top down dan trennya adalah teman Anda dan pertemuan kata-kata tersebut diceritakan oleh orang-orang yang tidak berdagang dengan penuh waktu kebanyakan orang yang tidak tahu apa-apa.12 Pemilihan kerangka waktu jika Anda melakukan trading dari grafik harian Sebagai lawan t0 1 jam grafik periode penarikan Anda akan jauh lebih lama hanya karena Anda memiliki lessor perdagangan dan ukuran perdagangan Anda akan jauh lebih besar.13 pro risiko kecil untuk menang besar ada 2 tepi besar dalam perdagangan yang tidak pro akan memberitahu Anda 1 adalah Waktu yang lain Anda akan menyelesaikannya sendiri jika Anda cukup serius untuk menjadi pedagang yang menguntungkan. Sekarang, untuk mendapatkan guru cepat kaya tidak akan memberitahu Anda. Tidak ada tubuh bisa menjadi pedagang yang menguntungkan tidak peduli seberapa keras mereka Yang sederhana tidak berbeda dengan menjadi aktor atau ahli bedah otak atau pemain sepak bola. Butuh waktu untuk mempelajari seni perdagangan min 6000 jam waktu layar tidak termasuk pilihan ttrade dan backtesting. Saya telah menghabiskan bertahun-tahun menatap monitor komputer minimal 14 jam. Pada hari-hari perdagangan ditambah melihat iphone saya beberapa kali dalam semalam saat saya tidur. Boleh tentang analisis fundamental yang saya pakai selama bertahun-tahun selama bertahun-tahun menggunakannya sehingga mengubah Anda menjadi prediktor dan bukan reaktor. Saya telah melakukan trading forex selama lebih dari 10 tahun. Saya 6 tahun dan sekitar 10000 jam kalah dan menang tapi kebanyakan kalah saya telah mencoba setiap metode yang pernah ada dan sebagian besar sampah total juga kehilangan ratusan ribu dollar saat ini. Saat saya berbicara dengan orang-orang yang telah mencoba fx dan mengatakannya Sebuah penipuan biasanya merupakan cerita yang serupa. Mereka pergi ke beberapa seminar pada akhir pekan membuka akun 10k dan diperkirakan akan menjadi kaya oleh natal. Atau mereka berada di 1 persen teratas sekolah mereka dan berpikir bahwa kecerdasan adalah hal yang Akan menjadi kunci sukses. Hal yang paling penting adalah disiplin, ini membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun untuk menguasai dan merancang strategi Anda sendiri yang sesuai dengan kepribadian Anda. Pasar adalah bentuk kejujuran yang paling murni. Tidak peduli warna apa kulit Anda adalah sekolah yang Anda kunjungi. Apakah Anda kaya atau miskin semua itu adalah jika Anda menang atau kalah dan jika Anda benar-benar ingin menghasilkan uang di forex dengan jalan yang panjang, namun saya berterima kasih kepada Tuhan setiap hari saya terjebak dengannya. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Forex Tester adalah sebuah perangkat lunak Yang mensimulasikan perdagangan di pasar forex Hal ini dirancang bagi Anda untuk belajar bagaimana melakukan perdagangan secara menguntungkan, dan untuk menciptakan, menguji dan menyempurnakan strategi Anda untuk perdagangan manual dan otomatis. Terangkan dan perbaiki strategi Anda untuk keuntungan yang konsisten dan terus tumbuh. Ikutilah kepercayaan diri Anda dalam strategi Anda. Sehingga Anda dapat tetap kepala yang jelas, langsung bertindak pada peluang trading dan hindari kesalahan saat Anda menukarkan hidup di kemudian hari. Membagi seorang trader yang berpengalaman dan sukses dalam waktu yang sedikit. TERMASUK DALAM PERANGKAT LUNAK ANDA. FOREX TESTER. St Patrick S Day Sale. A 50 diskon untuk perangkat lunak backtesting. Dari 301 sampai 400 dari umpan data saja. Disimpan dari 68 menjadi 500 dengan membeli bundel. Perjanjiannya akan berakhir. Promosi hanya aktif untuk Forex Tester Data services dan Forex Tester Data Layanan akan dibeli dengan tarif reguler. Setiap orang yang membeli Forex Tester menerima hal berikut secara GRATIS. Metode yang sangat sederhana untuk mendapatkan pengalaman backtesting.5 EPA berbasis tindakan harga beserta instruksi terperinci mengenai peraturan strategi. Tentukan strategi ini dan lihatlah Untuk diri Anda sendiri apakah Anda dapat menyusun sistem perdagangan yang solid. Penasihat ahli yang ahli. Sistem perdagangan manajemen uang yang membuktikan bahwa seseorang dapat melakukan perdagangan dengan menguntungkan walaupun tanpa analisis teknis yang ada.16 tahun data historis.1 data menit pada 16 mata uang yang paling umum Pasang, emas dan perak.11 rencana langkah bagaimana mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari backtesting. Kertas baru tentang bagaimana menemukan strategi penting saran penting tentang bagaimana sukses di pasar riil di masa depan. Kalkulator batas N tabel pengelolaan uang. Kertas putih dan file Excel akan memungkinkan Anda bertahan di pasar meskipun Anda terus kehilangan semua perdagangan Anda. Bagaimana memilih kertas broker. White pada komponen paling penting di pasar Forex. Forex Tester 3 telah dirilis. Forex Tester memperoleh lebih banyak fitur dan dikonfigurasi lebih mudah lagi. Informasi tentang fitur paling penting dari Forex Tester 2 yang juga akan ada di Forex Tester 3. Jika Anda sudah menggunakan Forex Tester 2 maka Anda dapat mendownloadnya. Panduan tentang cara memindahkan proyek, template dan data Anda di sini. Statistik mengungkapkan kinerja sejati Anda dapat membuat catatan tentang setiap perdagangan yang menyimpan jurnal perdagangan dan mengekspor log perdagangan Anda untuk analisis Excel atau program lainnya Tidak perlu bergantung pada perkiraan , Atau bahkan dalam pemikiran penuh harapan. Seorang peramal harus bergantung pada asumsi dan percaya apa yang orang lain katakan kepada mereka. Profesional, bagaimanapun, membuat keputusan berdasarkan fakta Forex Tester akan memberikan fakta sulit mengenai strategi Anda Jika sebuah strategi Tidak menguntungkan, Anda akan menemukannya dengan cepat dengan Forex Tester yang bertentangan dengan pengujian di akun demo Sekarang Anda dapat memperbaikinya atau menginvestasikan waktu dalam mengembangkan strategi lain. Demikian juga, jika Anda memiliki strategi hebat, Anda pasti ingin berdagang sesegera mungkin. Forex Tester memberikan hasil yang Anda perlukan untuk melakukannya dengan keyakinan Strategi yang baik Forex Tester akan memberi tahu Anda bahwa Anda dapat memulai trading sekarang tanpa ragu-ragu. Ketika sampai pada strategi trading backtesting, mengoptimalkan parameternya dapat mengambilnya dari oke ke Forex yang hebat. Penguji membuat proses ini lebih mudah daripada sebelumnya Mengetahui parameter mana yang membuat strategi Anda bekerja tidak hanya akan membuat strategi menjadi lebih baik, namun juga dapat membantu menghasilkan gagasan untuk strategi baru. Bergabunglah dengan buletin Tester Forex dan dapatkan.7 makalah putih tentang aspek-aspek kunci Dari trading.3 strategi menguntungkan yang telah kami uji untuk Anda. Deskripsi fitur inti Forex Tester. Forex Tester mensimulasikan pasar forex dengan realisme yang tak tertandingi. Di manua Cara uji coba, Anda bisa menguji strategi dan melatih kemampuan trading Anda pada tahun-tahun simulasi data hanya dalam beberapa jam waktu nyata. Bagaimana Tester Forex ini bekerja bersamaan dengan pergerakan harga yang tercatat dari data harga historis pasar forex yang sebenarnya Sama seperti rekaman musik. , Anda dapat maju cepat, jeda atau melompat ke momen yang paling menarik. Anda dapat kembali ke titik waktu dalam data harga yang tercatat, dan jika sebelumnya Anda telah menyelamatkan proyek sesi pengujian, Anda juga dapat memulihkan semua yang terbuka Perdagangan, riwayat perdagangan dan saldo akun dari akun broker simulasi Anda pada saat simulasi. Majalah yang menerbitkan artikel tentang Forex Tester. Ya, benar-benar membantu Forex Tester, menghemat waktu dan memberi Anda kesempatan untuk belajar dengan cepat dan memeriksa teknik dan Teori-teori yang ada di Internet Anda dapat mempraktikkannya dalam keadaan tertentu, dan ketika Anda tahu bahwa Anda telah menemukan seseorang yang suci dan berada pada tingkat emosional tinggi Anda memeriksanya dengan sangat baik. CEPAT di Tester tidak menunggu berbulan-bulan untuk kehilangan deposit Anda tapi untuk mengetahui strategi dalam satu atau dua jam dan mengerti siapa yang benar. Dan programnya membuktikan bahwa adalah mungkin untuk mendapatkan uang di Forex Terima kasih banyak atas program Anda, saya Saya senang bahwa saya telah membelinya membaca lebih banyak. Alat yang MUST-Have Sebagai penggila baca harga, Forex Tester sangat membantu mengurangi kurva belajar saya, saya tidak menemukan program lain yang benar-benar dapat melakukan apa yang dilakukan orang ini - dan percayalah, saya telah melihat Mudah untuk menginstal dan menggunakan Plus, dukungan pelanggan mereka adalah yang terbaik. Ini adalah program yang bagus dan benar-benar berjalan jauh untuk menguji sistem tanpa menunggu minggu untuk melihat hasilnya. Setiap rencana untuk membangun satu yang memungkinkan kontrak Eminis dan Futures saya akan menjadi yang pertama dalam antrian untuk membelinya. Hari Raya Forex Tester memungkinkan saya untuk Maju dalam trading saya dan memberi saya kesempatan untuk memahami beberapa prinsip global dari aksi harga program ini adalah bagi mereka yang telah memutuskan secara unik untuk mengetahui perdagangan apa sebenarnya saya akan menanti untuk menggunakannya sebagai penguji untuk robot, tapi bahkan Hal-hal yang saya pahami dengan bantuan program ini hampir tidak dapat dianggap terlalu tinggi Terima kasih. Terima kasih atas program Forex Tester yang saya tidak menyayangkan membelinya bahkan untuk sesaat Ini membantu saya dalam mengembangkan strategi trading Dengan Forex Tester ini jauh lebih cepat. Belajar trading Saya telah menggunakan ini setiap hari untuk berlatih selama sekitar satu bulan sekarang, dan alat ini telah menjadi hal terbaik yang telah saya beli dalam karir FX Trading saya. Butuh beberapa waktu untuk menyiapkan bagan dengan template, terutama untuk strategi saya, namun Itu sepadan dengan usaha Anda mungkin pernah mendengarnya sepanjang waktu, tapi sejujurnya saya berharap ini adalah hal pertama yang saya beli, karena akan membuat perbedaan besar bagi saya di jalan. Sebuah program luar biasa membuat saya mistis pada tindakan harga Menyukainya Terima kasih telah memberi bantuan yang luar biasa kepada kami para pedagang yang perlu belajar lebih cepat Saya menggunakannya seperti sepatu, setiap hari, untuk sebagian besar hari saya bahkan menggunakannya untuk bersantai terkadang Menemukan yang lebih tinggi Penyiapan probabilitas selalu membantu banyak Terima kasih lagi. Forex Tester telah banyak membantu saya untuk memperbaiki hasil perdagangan saya, saya menjadi lebih percaya diri dalam memilih dan menguji strategi perdagangan Saya juga mendapat kemungkinan bagus untuk memeriksa gagasan perdagangan baru. Cepat dan kualitatif. Pada tanggal 16 April saya akhirnya membeli program Forex Tester setelah memikirkan hal yang lama. Sekarang, 4 bulan kemudian, saya telah menciptakan strategi trading saya sendiri dengan bantuan program ini yang memberi saya pengalaman yang tidak terlalu - Pendapatan buruk di pasar Forex Saya terus-menerus menguji strategi baru yang sedang diperbaiki saat menguji Terimakasih kepada semua pengembang program luar biasa ini. Forex Tester tentu saja merupakan program terbaik untuk mengerjakan sesuatu dengan orang lain. Strategi lama Setelah lama bekerja dengan Forex Tester, saya memperoleh kemampuan untuk hampir meramalkan pergerakan pada grafik nyata. Juga, Forex Tester membantu saya untuk mengabaikan banyak strategi tanpa harapan dan untuk memperbaiki pekerjaan saya. Saya harus mengatakan bahwa ini adalah alat yang hebat Meskipun saya baru saja demoing versi percobaan saya senang menemukannya. Sejauh ini saya tidak menemukan hal serupa yang tidak memerlukan biaya bulanan yang tinggi untuk masuk dan mencoba, Atau terlalu rumit sehingga Anda merasa perlu menjadi programmer hanya untuk mengambil langkah pertama Anda Hal ini memungkinkan seseorang, dengan cara yang tidak menyakitkan, untuk melatih dan menguji teori dan strategi mereka tanpa dirantai sepanjang malam ke sesi London atau sangat lelah. Dan kemudian mengalahkannya sehingga sesi New York terasa seperti sembilan putaran dengan seorang petinju yang bernafas di wajah Anda membaca lebih banyak. Sudah lama sekali, sejak 2008, saya pernah berada di Forex. Saya memulai beberapa kali dan beberapa kali meninggalkannya untuk Lama, hanya karena hasil saya meninggalkan banyak yang harus diinginkan - kehilangan keuntungan berputar di sekitar tanda nol Saya membeli Tester Forex di musim gugur 2013 Saya mulai menggunakannya dan untuk membangun strategi trading saya Program ini memungkinkan seseorang melihat hasil dari penawaran mereka. Ide sangat cepat, dan pendidik Proses ion berjalan lebih cepat dan indra keenam terakumulasi yang tidak dapat diterima dengan bantuan buku atau pembelajaran teoritis Sistem saya akhirnya dibangun pada akhir tahun 2013 dan sejak saat itu saya melakukan perdagangan secara menguntungkan dan stabil, saya menganggap program ini sebagai salah satu Investasi yang paling menguntungkan ke dalam pendidikan saya baca selengkapnya. Currency trading adalah salah satu cara paling rumit untuk menghasilkan uang Agar sukses di pasar forex, trader perlu mengembangkan 3 cabang berikut. Manajemen uang. Jika pelatihan forex anda tidak melibatkan Setidaknya satu dari langkah-langkah penting ini, Anda pasti akan kehilangan dalam jangka panjang Simulator trading kami memungkinkan orang untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mereka di semua area ini. Psikologi Dalam hal evolusi, manusia belum beradaptasi untuk mengakomodasi perdagangan Dengan kata lain , Kita semua telah menjadi pedagang yang mengerikan sejak awal karena DNA kita tidak memiliki fitur yang diperlukan untuk melakukannya secara efektif Bahkan jika Anda mempelajari semua hal yang ada di dalamnya Dengan pasar yang berbeda secara teori, Anda tetap tidak siap untuk berdagang tanpa kemampuan yang kuat untuk mengendalikan pikiran dan emosi Anda Satu-satunya cara untuk benar-benar menangani area ini adalah dengan menggunakan simulator forex Simulasi perdagangan adalah cara yang lebih baik daripada demo dan real Akun Dengan akun demo, Anda harus menunggu lama untuk membuka jumlah perdagangan yang layak Dengan akun live, Anda akan merasakan pasar yang sesungguhnya, namun karena Anda tidak menguasai emosi Anda, Anda akan terus trading secara tidak logis dan kehilangan Deposit sangat cepat Dengan simulator trading kami, trader memiliki kesempatan untuk berada dalam suasana yang mengasyikkan dimana mereka tidak tahu bagaimana pasar akan bergerak seperti halnya dengan live account. Pada saat bersamaan, trader dapat segera menentukan informasi tersebut. Fitur yang ditawarkan oleh akun demo maupun live accounts Singkatnya, perangkat lunak backtesting kami akan memberi Anda semua alat analisis pasar yang Anda butuhkan untuk menjinakkan sifat tidak konsisten Anda. Metode Kelimpahan strategi perdagangan S tersedia di Internet menciptakan keyakinan salah bahwa Anda memiliki semua yang Anda butuhkan Namun, jika Anda mencoba simulator trading forex yang sesuai, Anda akan segera menemukan bahwa ini adalah kebohongan besar Sebagian besar strategi yang disebut menguntungkan ini adalah blogger dan pseudo - trader mempromosikan dapat memberi Anda beberapa perdagangan yang menguntungkan, namun pada akhirnya mereka akan menciptakan penarikan yang signifikan dalam deposit Anda. Sekalipun Anda kembali belajar bagaimana menjelajahi dunia forex trading yang kompleks, peraturan yang paling penting adalah Don t terlalu percaya jika Anda kembali. Terlalu terbuka terhadap apa yang orang lain katakan, Anda berisiko mengorbankan 3 aset, uang dan harga diri Anda yang paling kuat Jika Anda memilih untuk tidak mendukung strategi sumber yang patut dipertanyakan, akhirnya Anda akan kehilangan semua uang yang telah Anda selamatkan untuk diperdagangkan. , Tanpa bentuk software backtesting forex, Anda akan menghabiskan ratusan atau bahkan ribuan jam belajar tentang pasar forex tanpa menghasilkan hasil positif. Apalagi, dengan Anda T software pelatihan Forex, Anda akan berakhir frustrasi dan depresi Apa orang normal ingin menghabiskan waktu, uang dan usaha mereka dalam tugas tanpa hasil ini Hanya ada 2 kemungkinan yang tersedia untuk Anda sekarang Pilih jalan kegagalan atau beli apa yang mungkin Simulator trading terbaik yang ada dan hindari kehilangan apapun Tidak ada yang bisa menjamin bahwa Anda akan belajar bagaimana berdagang dengan simulator trading kita, namun semuanya tergantung pada etos kerja, dedikasi dan kemampuan Anda untuk menganalisis metode pembelajaran dan tindakan trading Anda. Tergantung pada apakah Anda Membuat keputusan yang tepat dan bertahan dengan mereka. Manajemen uang Ada banyak trader cerdas dan disiplin yang masih belum bisa sukses di pasar forex. Alasannya adalah mereka tidak memiliki pilar yang sangat berharga dalam trading mereka. Mereka benar-benar salah mengerti pentingnya uang. Manajemen Perdagangan mata uang mengharuskan trader untuk mengikuti peraturan ketat mengenai berapa banyak mereka mampu kehilangan satu perdagangan dan berapa banyak Perdagangan yang bisa mereka kehilangan per bulan Jika Anda mengabaikan peraturan tetap ini, atau jika Anda tidak cukup memperhatikannya, Anda tidak akan pernah melakukan perdagangan ke tingkat profesional Seseorang dapat membuat keputusan perdagangan yang menakjubkan, bertanggung jawab penuh atas emosinya. Dan memenangkan sebagian besar perdagangan Tapi semua kesuksesan ini bisa membuahkan hasil dengan satu perdagangan saja yang dibuka dimana trader tidak berpegang pada prinsip dasar pengelolaan uang Backtesting, bagaimanapun, memungkinkan trader untuk membangun pengetahuan mereka tentang prinsip-prinsip ini Singkatnya, pelatihan forex Tidak mungkin tanpa software forex apalagi tanpa simulator perdagangan Mulailah mengasah keterampilan pengelolaan uang Anda hari ini dengan bantuan Forex Tester 3, simulator trading terbaik yang bisa Anda temukan. Salah Kesalahan Anda Belajar efektif tentang forex trading mencakup kesempatan untuk memperbaiki kesalahan Anda Kebanyakan trader Tidak mengerti bahwa praktis tidak mungkin belajar forex dengan menggunakan akun demo dan live Demo akun memberi Anda kesempatan untuk belajar kedepan X trading jika Anda memiliki puluhan tahun di depan Anda, dan akun live membuat Anda tidak mungkin memperbaiki kesalahan Anda Anda telah kehilangan perdagangan atau kisaran perdagangan, dan analisis forex akan membantu Anda menghindari kesalahan yang sama di masa depan, Tapi Anda tidak bisa mengubah simulator Forex masa lalu, pada gilirannya, dapat membawa Anda kembali ke masa lalu sehingga Anda benar-benar dapat memperbaiki kesalahan Anda dengan segera sehingga Anda dapat mendukung strategi Anda sebanyak yang Anda butuhkan. Perangkat lunak pelatihan forex yang menakjubkan ini akan membantu Anda memperbaiki kesalahan Anda tanpa Mempengaruhi uang riil Anda. Statistik yang Diatur Tidak hanya dapat memperbaiki kesalahan yang Anda buat, namun Anda juga bisa mengikuti pelatihan trading forex Anda ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi dengan menggunakan statistik terperinci Simulator perdagangan kami memiliki banyak parameter built-in untuk mengevaluasi kinerja trading Anda. Dengan software backtesting Forex Tester, tidak perlu mensimulasikan pasar dalam kegelapan Sekarang, semua komponen yang diperlukan termasuk keuntungan bersih dan kotor, keuntungan maksimal dan kerugian perdagangan, Penarikan maksimum dan nilai lainnya akan meningkatkan perdagangan mata uang forex Anda secara tepat waktu. Bagaimana cara menginstal uninstall Forex Tester 3.Anda dapat membaca petunjuk terperinci tentang cara memasang Forex Tester di sini. Jika Anda tidak puas dengan perangkat lunak Penguji Forex kami yang sangat Jarang terjadi, mudah untuk mencopot pemasangannya dengan menyelesaikan proses berikut menu Start Semua program Forex Tester Uninstall Forex Tester. Forex Tester adalah perangkat lunak yang mensimulasikan perdagangan di pasar Forex, sehingga Anda dapat belajar bagaimana melakukan perdagangan secara menguntungkan, membuat, menguji Dan memperbaiki strategi Anda untuk perdagangan manual dan otomatis. Perangkat lunak untuk menyalin perdagangan antara akun MT4 Mendukung semua broker, memiliki banyak fitur seperti Lot Risk Management, perdagangan Filtering dan Reverse Trading, Lifetime Support. Kami akan membantu Anda menjadi Manajer dan Keuntungan yang cerdas. Anda masuk ke kelompok elit yang benar-benar menghasilkan uang trading Forex. Software yang membuka perdagangan dalam sepersekian detik dengan kalkulator manajemen risiko bawaan Tetapkan nilai Stop Loss Take Profit yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya untuk entri instan Kompatibel dengan Forex Tester dan MT4.Logic seorang ekonom. Pesta ekonom mendaki di Pegunungan Alpen Setelah beberapa jam mereka menjadi putus asa hilang Salah satu dari mereka mempelajari peta tersebut untuk beberapa waktu, mengubahnya Naik turun, melihat tengara yang jauh, berkonsultasi dengan kompasnya, dan akhirnya matahari. Akhirnya dia berkata, oke lihat gunung besar di sana. Ya, jawab yang lain dengan penuh semangat. Nah, menurut peta, kita kembali berdiri di atasnya. Q Dengan gejolak pasar saat ini, apa cara termudah untuk menghasilkan sedikit uang? A Mulailah dengan istri yang besar. Seorang istri masuk dan berteriak, Honey Pack your Baju yang baru saja saya undangkan lotere Suami teriaknya kembali, Tapi apa yang harus saya kembalikan Istri menjawab, saya TIDAK DAPAT MENGATAKAN KEMASAN DAN MENDAPATKAN. Mengapa tiram tidak diberikan untuk amal Karena mereka berkeringat kembali. Investasi jangka panjang adalah jangka pendek. Investasi yang gagal. Seorang pria masuk ke sebuah bank di New York City dan mengatakan bahwa dia ingin meminjam 2.000 selama tiga minggu. Petugas pinjaman tersebut menanyakan kepadanya jenis jaminan apa yang dia miliki. Pria tersebut mengatakan bahwa saya mempunyai Rolls Royce - tetap bertahan sampai Pinjaman itu lunas - inilah kuncinya. Petugas pinjaman segera membawa mobil ke tempat parkir bawah tanah bank untuk menjaga keamanan, dan memberi pria itu 2.000. Tiga minggu kemudian orang tersebut masuk ke bank, membayar kembali 2.000 Pinjaman, ditambah 10 bunga, dan mendapatkan kembali kepemilikan Rolls Royce. Petugas pinjaman bertanya kepadanya, Tuan, jika saya boleh Tanyakan, mengapa seorang pria yang mengendarai Rolls Royce perlu meminjam dua ribu dolar. Pria itu menjawab, saya harus pergi ke Eropa selama tiga minggu, dan di mana lagi saya bisa menyimpan Rolls Royce selama 10 dolar itu. Manajer menghabiskan seminggu di kantor Broker barunya dengan manajer yang dia ganti Pada hari terakhir manajer yang berangkat memberitahunya, saya telah meninggalkan tiga amplop bernomor di laci meja Buka amplop jika Anda mengalami krisis yang tidak dapat Anda selesaikan Tiga bulan ke bawah Lagu itu ada drama besar, semuanya berjalan salah - hal yang biasa - dan sang manajer merasa sangat terancam olehnya. Dia mengingat kata-kata perpisahan dari pendahulunya dan membuka amplop pertama Pesan di dalam mengatakan Menyalahkan pendahulumu Dia melakukan ini dan mendapatkan Off the hook. Tentang setengah tahun kemudian, perusahaan mengalami penurunan penjualan, dikombinasikan dengan masalah pasar yang serius Manajer cepat membuka amplop kedua Pesan terbaca, Reorganisasi ini dia lakukan, dan perusahaan cepat rebounds. Three m Selanjutnya, pada krisis berikutnya, dia membuka amplop ketiga Pesan di dalam mengatakan Siapkan tiga amplop. Seorang wanita mendengar dari dokternya bahwa dia hanya tinggal setengah tahun untuk tinggal Dokter tersebut menasihatinya untuk menikahi seorang ekonom Wanita tersebut bertanya, Akankah ini Menyembuhkan penyakit saya Dokter menjawab, Tidak Tapi enam bulan akan terasa seperti seumur hidup. Investasi Cepat Jika Anda telah membeli 1.000 saham Nortel seharga 1.000 dolar setahun yang lalu, sekarang harganya layak untuk 49 00. Dengan Enron, Anda akan memiliki 16 50 Dari 1.000 asli. Dengan WorldCom, Anda akan memiliki kurang dari 5 00 kiri. Jika Anda telah membeli 1.000 Budweiser senilai bir, bukan stok satu tahun yang lalu, minum semua bir, lalu memutar kaleng untuk 10 Cent deposit, Anda akan memiliki 214 00. Seorang wanita dengan bangga mengatakan kepada temannya, saya bertanggung jawab untuk membuat suami saya menjadi jutawan. Apa sebenarnya dia sebelum dia menikahi Anda, seorang teman meminta seorang miliarder.- Mengapa saudari Anda memberi makan uang kepada sapi - Karena dia ingin mendapatkan susu kaya.- Ayah, apakah Anda ingin menghemat uang - Saya pasti akan, anak Any suggestions - Tentu Mengapa tidak membelikan saya sepeda, maka saya tidak akan memakai sepatu saya begitu cepat.- Mengapa dompet menghasilkan banyak kebisingan - Karena omongan uang. Beberapa pencuri masuk ke apartemen liburan saya dan Mencuri 10.000 Euro Setidaknya mereka tidak mengambil sesuatu dari nilai apapun. Pasar aneh Setiap kali satu orang menjual, satu lagi membeli, dan mereka berdua berpikir mereka kembali cerdas. Seyneider melamar ke agen keuangan untuk suatu pekerjaan, tapi dia tidak memilikinya. Pengalaman Dia begitu kuat sehingga manajer memberinya akun yang sulit dengan janji bahwa jika dia mengumpulkannya, dia akan mendapatkan pekerjaan itu. Dua jam kemudian, Schneider kembali dengan seluruh jumlah Amazing manajer mengatakan Bagaimana Anda melakukannya? , Schneider menjawab bahwa saya mengatakan kepadanya bahwa jika dia tidak membayar, saya akan memberitahu semua kreditor lainnya yang dia bayar kepada kami. Berapa banyak uang yang Anda butuhkan. Apa yang dianggap cukup uang Sedikit Will Rogers. Jika Anda dapat menghitung uang Anda? , Anda tidak memiliki satu miliar dolar J Paul Getty. Ailiar di sini, satu miliar di sana, dan segera Anda berbicara tentang uang nyata Everett Dirksen. Seorang guru bahasa Inggris meminta kelasnya untuk menulis esai tentang apa yang mereka lakukan jika mereka memiliki satu juta pound yang diberikan John di selembar kertas kosong John berteriak pada guru itu, Anda tidak melakukan apa-apa mengapa Karena jika Saya memiliki satu juta pound, itulah yang akan saya katakan John. The waktu terbaik untuk membeli sesuatu adalah tahun lalu. Suatu sore, seorang Penasihat melihat Max di tangan dan lututnya Apa yang Anda lakukan dia meminta saya untuk mencari dolar saya? RUU, Max menjawab Saya kehilangannya di jalan Mengapa tidak Anda mencarinya di sana Karena cahaya lebih baik di sini. Mengapa astrologi telah ditemukan Jadi ekonomi bisa menjadi sains yang akurat. Kakak perempuan saya jatuh cinta pada pandangan kedua. Ketika dia pertama kali Bertemu dengannya, dia tidak tahu seberapa kaya dia. Ketika Albert Einstein meninggal, dia bertemu dengan tiga orang Selandia Baru dalam antrian di luar Gubuk Mutiara Untuk melewatkan waktu, dia bertanya apa IQ mereka Yang pertama menjawab 190 Hebat, seru Einstein Kita dapat mendiskusikan Kontribusi yang diberikan oleh Ernest Rutherford kepada atom Fisika ic dan teori relativitas umum saya Yang kedua menjawab 150 Bagus, kata Einstein Saya berharap dapat membahas peran undang-undang bebas nuklir Selandia Baru dalam upaya perdamaian dunia Orang Selandia Baru ketiga menggumamkan 50 Einstein berhenti sejenak, lalu bertanya, Jadi, berapa ramalan Anda untuk defisit anggaran tahun depan. Jangan tinggal di tempat tidur, kecuali jika Anda dapat menghasilkan uang di tempat tidur George Burns. Washington, pemandu wisata DCA menunjukkan turis di sekitar Washington, DC Panduan tersebut menunjukkan tempat di mana George Washington Seharusnya melempar satu dolar ke seberang Sungai Potomac Itu tidak mungkin, kata turis Tidak ada yang bisa melempar koin sejauh itu. Anda harus ingat, jawab panduan A dollar berjalan lebih jauh pada masa itu. Perdagangan online sangat hebat. Saya merasa benar-benar Mempercepat segalanya Saya sekarang mendapatkan margin saya panggilan 5x lebih cepat dari sebelumnya. Manajemen siswa mencium seorang gadis Gadis Apa ini Anak Laki-Laki yang disebut DIREKTORI PEMASARAN Gadis menampar anak laki-laki Apa Gadis Ini adalah CUSTOMER FEED BACK. Q Apa s Ifference antara Investment Bankers dan London Merpati A Merpati masih mampu membuat deposit pada menteri sA BMW baru meninggal dan sedang mengantre di Pearly Gates Menjelang dia adalah pria yang mengenakan kacamata hitam, baju yang keras, jaket kulit, Dan jins Saint Peter berbicara dengan pria ini, Siapakah Anda, sehingga saya dapat mengetahui apakah Anda harus mengakui Anda atau tidak kepada Kerajaan Sorga Orang yang menjawab, saya Joe Cohen, pialang saham, Noo Yawk City Saint Peter menyetujui daftarnya. Dia tersenyum Dan berkata kepada pialang saham, Ambillah jubah sutra dan staf emas ini dan masuk ke Kerajaan Surga Pialang saham masuk ke Surga bersama jubah dan tongkatnya, dan ini giliran menteri yang berdiri tegak dan meledak, saya adalah Joseph Snow, pastor Santo Maria selama empat puluh tiga tahun terakhir Santo Petrus berkonsultasi dengan daftarnya Dia berkata kepada menteri, Ambillah jubah katun dan kayu ini dan masuk ke dalam Kerajaan Surga Sebentar, kata pendeta bahwa pria itu adalah pialang saham - dia Mendapat jubah sutra dan emas Staf tapi saya, seorang menteri, hanya mendapatkan jubah kapas dan staf kayu Bagaimana ini bisa terjadi di sini, kami bekerja berdasarkan hasil, kata Santo Petrus Sementara Anda berkhotbah, orang-orang tidur kliennya, mereka berdoa. Dari seorang pedagang Ini lebih buruk daripada Perceraian Saya telah kehilangan setengah dari kekayaan bersih saya dan saya masih memiliki istri. Tiga anak laki-laki berjalan di sepanjang pantai suatu hari ketika mereka melihat sebuah gua Anak laki-laki pertama masuk dan melihat uang kertas di batu besar saat sebuah suara hantu memanggil Akulah hantu Bibi Abel dan lima dolar ini tetap ada di atas meja. Anak laki-laki yang kedua masuk dan meraih uang ketika hal yang sama terjadi lagi Anak ketiga masuk, melihat lima dolar dan berseru, akulah hantu Dari David Crockett dan lima dolar ini masuk ke dalam saku saya. Investasi jangka panjang adalah investasi jangka pendek yang gagal. Di Sepuluh Tanda Anda Membutuhkan Bank Baru.10 Ketika Anda membuat deposit, teller saling bertukar tinggi.9 Setelah Anda Dapatkan pemanggang roti gratis, presiden bank muncul di rumah Anda memohon roti bakar.8 Pejabat bulanan Anda Ts ditulis tangan, di krayon.7 Bila Anda ingin melakukan penarikan, panitia tiba-tiba tidak berbicara bahasa Inggris.6 Anda melihat Kato Kaelin sedang tidur di lemari besi.5 Kotak brankas Anda adalah karton Dunkin Donuts yang dibungkus dengan kertas timah. Semua setoran tunai langsung masuk ke kasir teller. Lobby berada dalam pinggang peso Meksiko.2 Garis layanan pelanggan bebas pulsa adalah 1-800-GET-HOSED.1 Empat kata Presiden Bank Rosa Lopez. Ted mengatakan kepada temannya, Dapatkah Anda meminjamkan saya 10 Tapi saya hanya memiliki 8, temannya menjawab Baik-baik saja, Anda selalu dapat berutang kepada saya yang lain 2. Bankir itu jatuh ke laut dari sebuah perahu layar teman. Temannya meraih pelestarian kehidupan, menahannya, tidak tahu apakah Bankir bisa berenang, dan berteriak, Dapatkah Anda mengambang sendirian. Jelas, bankir menjawab, tapi ini adalah suatu saat untuk berbicara bisnis. Kasur baru Seorang pria MAN memanggil agennya yang palsu DEALER semua cemas dan kehabisan napas dengan urgensi ini. Dalam suaranya Dia mengatakan, MAN Tutup semua posisi saya, semuanya cepat, segera Dealer fx mencoba untuk berbicara dengan pria bu T pria itu berkata, MAN Izinkan saya memberi tahu Anda sebuah rahasia Anda tahu saya telah menikah selama 6 tahun sekarang dan saya telah menjadi klien Anda selama 5 tahun DEALER Ya, teruskan, dealer FX mengatakan MAN Well Istri saya memiliki hal ini tentang Pasar Kakek dan neneknya kehilangan semuanya dalam kecelakaan GBP dan sejak saat itu keluarganya menemukan investasi di pasar mirip dengan dosa asal Ketika kita menikah, saya berjanji kepadanya bahwa saya akan mengikuti jejak orang tuanya dan tidak pernah berani masuk ke pasar FX dan selalu pergi Semua uang kita di bawah kasur DEALER Wow, saya tidak tahu bahwa saya rasa Anda menginginkan uang itu karena Anda kehilangan MAN Tidak, saya menginginkan uang itu karena dia memesan kasur baru dan dikirim dalam dua hari. Miko, ternyata Keluar, persis seperti seks, Anda tidak memikirkan hal lain jika Anda tidak memilikinya dan memikirkan hal lain jika Anda melakukannya James Baldwin. Interviewer Apa itu Calon resesi Saat Anggur dan Wanita digantikan oleh Air dan Istri bahwa fase kritis kehidupan adalah Disebut resesi. Frog Dua wanita sedang berjalan t Melintasi hutan ketika seekor katak FROG memanggil mereka dan berkata FROG Bantu aku, nona aku adalah pialang saham yang, melalui kutukan penyihir jahat, telah berubah menjadi katak Jika salah satu dari kalian menciumku, aku akan kembali ke tempatku. Mantan negara Seorang wanita mengeluarkan tasnya, meraih kodoknya, dan memasukkannya ke dalam tas tangannya Wanita lain PEREMPUAN, tersengal, tersentak, PEREMPUAN LAINNYA Tidakkah Anda mendengarnya Jika Anda menciumnya, dia akan berubah menjadi pialang saham Wanita kedua PEREMPUAN KEDUA menjawab, PERAN KEDUA Tentu, tapi belakangan ini kodok yang berbicara lebih berharga daripada pialang saham. Inflasi memungkinkan Anda tinggal di lingkungan yang lebih mahal tanpa bergerak. Pasar aneh Setiap kali satu orang menjual, satu lagi membeli, dan mereka Keduanya berpikir mereka cerdas. - Bagaimana Anda bisa yakin Anda memiliki uang palsu - Jika memiliki uang tiga dolar, Anda bisa yakin. Jika Anda memasukkan dua ekonom ke sebuah ruangan, Anda akan mendapatkan dua pendapat, kecuali salah satu dari mereka adalah Lord Keynes, dalam hal ini Anda mendapatkan tiga pendapat. Setiap pagi saya bangun dan melihat-lihat Daftar orang terkaya di Amerika. Jika saya tidak di sana, saya akan bekerja - Robert Orben. Pemodal perempuan yang paling sukses adalah putri Pharoah. Dia pergi ke bank Nil dan mengambang seorang nabi. Mengapa Anda hanya menelannya? Uang yang saya berikan kepada Anda, Anak Anda bilang itu adalah uang makan siang saya. Sedikit Johnny ditanyai oleh guru selama pelajaran aritmatika Jika Anda memiliki sepuluh dolar, kata sang guru, dan saya meminta pinjaman sebesar delapan dolar, berapa banyak Apakah kamu akan pergi Sepuluh, kata Little Johnny tegas. Sepuluh guru berkata Bagaimana Anda membuatnya sepuluh. Nah, jawab Little Johnny Anda mungkin meminta pinjaman sebesar delapan dolar, tapi itu tidak berarti Anda akan mendapatkannya. Seorang bankir investasi berdiri di dermaga sebuah desa pesisir Meksiko kecil saat sebuah kapal kecil dengan hanya satu nelayan berlabuh di dalam ruangan kecil. Perahu adalah beberapa tuna sirip kuning besar Bankir memuji nelayan dengan kualitas ikannya dan bertanya berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menangkap mereka. Para nelayan itu menjawab, Hanya sebentar. Bankir itu kemudian bertanya mengapa dia tidak tinggal lama dan menangkap lebih banyak Nelayan. Nelayan tersebut mengatakan bahwa dia sudah cukup untuk mendukung kebutuhan mendesak keluarganya. Bankir itu kemudian bertanya, Tapi apa yang Anda lakukan dengan sisa waktu Anda. Para nelayan mengatakan, saya tidur telat, sedikit berkulit, bermain dengan anak-anak saya, Bersenang-senanglah bersama istri saya, berjalan-jalanlah ke desa setiap malam di mana saya menyesap anggur, dan bermain gitar dengan amigos saya, saya memiliki kehidupan yang penuh dan sibuk. Para investor mengejek, saya adalah MBA Ivy League dan dapat membantu Anda Anda harus meluangkan lebih banyak waktu. Memancing dan dengan hasilnya, beli kapal yang lebih besar Dengan hasil dari kapal yang lebih besar, Anda bisa membeli beberapa kapal, dan pada akhirnya Anda akan memiliki armada kapal penangkap ikan. Investor melanjutkan, Dan alih-alih menjual tangkapan Anda ke perantara Anda kemudian akan menjual langsung ke prosesor, akhirnya membuka milik Anda sendiri. cannery You would control the product, processing, and distribution You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then Los Angeles and eventually New York City, where you will run your expanding enterprise. The fisherman asked, But how long will this all take. To which the banker replied, Perhaps 15 to 20 years. But what then asked the fisherman. The banker laughed and said, That s the best part When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich You would make millions. Millions Okay, then what wondered the fisherman. To which the investment banker replied, Then you would retire You could move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siestas with your wife, and stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos. If bankers can count, how come they have eight windows and only four tellers. A student asked a professor of economics - What is the difference between socialism and capitalism The professor answered - Capitalism is the exploitation of humans by humans The Student - And socialism The professor - It s the inverse of course. In pizzeria A forex guru GURU walks into a pizzeria to order a pizza There the waiter WAITER asks him WAITER Should I cut it into six pieces or eight pieces GURU I m feeling rather hungry right now You d better cut it into eight pieces. I was so poor growing up if I wasn t a boy I d have nothing to play with Rodney Dangerfield. Once upon a time in a village, a man appeared and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for 10 each The villagers, seeing that there we re many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at 10 and as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort He further announced that he would now buy at 20 This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms The offer increased to 25 each and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it. The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at 50 However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on behalf of him. In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected I will sell them to you at 35 and when the man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for 50 each. The villagers rounded up with all their savings and bought all the monkeys. They never saw the man nor his assistant, only monkeys everywhere. Now you have a better understanding of how the stock market works. A woman was cleaning her husbands dresser drawers when she found 3 golf balls and a box with 2000 in it She waited for him to come home from the golf course to ask him why these things were hidden in his dresser drawer. The husband said I m sorry I hid this from you but the truth is every time I cheated on you over the last 30 years I put a golf ball in the drawer. The wife was very upset at first but after thinking about it said I guess 3 times in 30 years is really not that bad Oh by the way what is the 2000 in the drawer. The husband replied Well every time I got to a dozen balls I sold them. Father to daughter upon her announcing her engagement What does he do Does he have any money Daughter You men are all alike That s the first thing he asked me about you. There are two types of economists - those who cannot forecast interest rates, and - those who do not know that they cannot forecast interest rates. An FBI agent is interviewing a bank teller after the bank had been robbed 3 times by the same bandit Did you notice anything special about the man asks the agent Yes, replies the teller He was better dressed each time. My broker and I are working on a retirement plan Unfortunately, it s his. A young stockbroker decided to take a day off and visit some of his professors in his old school When he made his way into the entrance he noticed a dog was attacking a small child He quickly grabbed the dog and throttled it with his two hands. The next day the local newspaper reported the story with the headline, Valiant student saves boy from ferocious dog. The stockbroker called the editor and strongly suggested that a correction be issued and that the paper will tell the readers he was a successful Wall Street broker and not a student. The next day the newspaper issued a correction and the headline read, Pompous stockbroker kills school mascot. Five dollars for one question said the girl to the fortune-teller That s very expensive, isn t it Next. Einstein dies and goes to heaven only to be informed that his room is not yet ready I hope you will not mind waiting in a dormitory We are very sorry, but it s the best we can do and you will have to share the room with others he is told by the doorman. Einstein says that this is no problem at all and that there is no need to make such a great fuss So the doorman leads him to the dorm They enter and Albert is introduced to all of the present inhabitants See, Here is your first room mate He has an IQ of 180 Why that s wonderful Says Albert We can discuss mathematics. And here is your second room mate His IQ is 150 Why that s wonderful Says Albert We can discuss physics. And here is your third room mate His IQ is 100 That Wonderful We can discuss the latest plays at the theater. Just then another man moves out to capture Albert s hand and shake it I m your last room mate and I m sorry, but m y IQ is only 80 Albert smiles back at him and says, So, where do you think interest rates are headed. After years of scrimping and saving, a husband told his wife the good news Honey, we ve finally got enough money to buy what we started saving for in 1979 You mean a brand-new Cadillac she asked eagerly No, said the husband, a 1979 Cadillac. TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM You have two cows You sell one and buy a bull Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income. AMERICAN CAPITALISM or Enro-capitalism You have two cows You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows The milk rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary to a Cayman Island company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who sells the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company The annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more Sell one cow to buy influence with a new president of the United States, leaving you with nine cows No balance sheet provided with the release The public buys your bull. AN AUSTRALIAN CORPORATION You have two cows You sell one, accept an LAW tax promised credit payable in 4 year s time, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows You are surprised whe n the cow drops dead. A FRENCH CORPORATION You have two cows You go on strike because you want three cows. A JAPANESE CORPORATION You have two cows You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce 20 times the milk You then create clever cow cartoon images called Cowkimon and market them worldwide. A GERMAN CORPORATION You have two cows You reengineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and milk themselves. A BRITISH CORPORATION You have two cows Both are mad. AN ITALIAN CORPORATION You have two cows, but you don t know where they are You break for lunch. A RUSSIAN CORPORATION You have two cows You count them and learn you have five cows You count them again and learn you have 42 cows You count them again and learn you have 12 cows You stop counting cows and open another bottle of vodka. A SWISS CORPORATION You have 5000 cows, none of which belong to you You charge others for storing them. A CHINESE CORPORATION You have two cows You have 300 people milking them You claim full employment, high bovine productivity, and arrest the newsman who reported the numbers. A NEW ZEALAND CORPORATION You have two cows That one on the left is kinda cute.- Can I borrow that book of yours How To Become A Millionaire - Sure, here you are - Thanks, but half the pages are missing What s the matter - Isn t half a million enough for you. The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money costs less - Brendon Francis. A father is explaining ethics to his son, who is about to go into business Suppose a woman comes in and orders a hundred dollars worth of material You wrap it up, and you give it to her She pays you with a 100 bill But as she goes out the door you realize she s given you two 100 bills Now, here s where the ethics come in should you or should you not tell your partner. Larry gets home late one night and his wife, Linda, says, Where in the hell have you been. Larry replies, I was out getting a tattoo. A tattoo she fr owned What kind of tattoo did you get. I got a hundred dollar bill on my privates, he said proudly. What the hell were you thinking she said, shaking her head in disdain Why on earth would an accountant get a hundred Dollar bill tattooed on his privates. Well, one, I like to watch my money grow Two, once in a while I like to play with my money Three, I like how money feels in my hand And, lastly, instead of you going out shopping, you can stay right here at home and blow a hundred bucks anytime you want. Living on earth may be expensive, but it includes an annual free trip around the sun. A rather frugal man asked the bank for a loan of one dollar and was told he would have to pay nine percent interest at the end of the year For security he offered 60,000 in U S bonds The banker, foreseeing a potential depositor, accepted the bonds and gave the man a dollar At the end of the year, he was back with a dollar and nine cents to clear up his debt and asked for the return of his bonds Upon return ing the bonds the banker asked, I don t want to be inquisitive, but since you have all those bonds, why did you have to borrow a dollar Well, said the tightfisted old gent, I really didn t have to But do you know of any other way I could get the use of a safe-deposit box for nine cents a year. A young man from Minnesota moves to Florida and goes to a big everything under one roof department store looking for a job. The Manager says, Do you have any sales experience The kid says Yeah I was a salesman back in Minnesota. Well, the boss liked the kid and gave him the job You start tomorrow I ll come down after we close and see how you did. His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it After the store was locked up, the boss came down How many customers bought something from you today. The kid says One. The boss says Just One Our sales people average 20 to 30 customers a day How much was the sale for. The kid says 101, 237 65.The boss says 101,237 65 What the heck did you sell. The kid says, First, I sold him a small fish hook Then I sold hi m a medium fishhook Then I sold him a larger fishhook Then I sold him a new fishing rod Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down the coast, so I told him he was going to need a boat, so we went down to the boat department and I sold him a twin engine Chris Craft Then he said he didn t think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4x4 Expedition. The boss said, A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a BOAT and a TRUCK. The kid said No, the guy came in here to buy Tampons for his wife, and I said, Dude, your weekend s shot, you should go fishing. The cost of living is so high now My wife is having to have sex with me because she can t afford the batteries. A man went to his bank manager and said, I d like to start a small business How do I go about it Simple, said the bank manager Buy a big one and wait. Dear Dad, chool i really great I am makin g lot of friend and tudying very hard With all my tuff, I imply can t think of anything I need o if you would like, you can ju t end me a card, a I would love to hear from you Love, Your on. Dear Son, I kNOw that astroNOmy, ecoNOmics, and oceaNOgraphy are eNOugh to keep even an hoNOr student busy Do NOt forget that the pursuit of kNOwledge is a NOble task, and you can never study eNOugh Love, Dad. My mother decided to trim her household budget wherever possible, so instead of having a dress dry-cleaned she washed it by hand Proud of her savings, she boasted to my father, Just think, Fred, we are five dollars richer because I washed this dress by hand Good , my dad quickly replied Wash it again. Sex is like my trading account I lose interest as soon as I withdraw.- I see your previous boss says you were a real live wire salesman I m pleased to know that What were you selling - Live wires, sir. If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster c Clint Eastwood. Are you a trader You know you re a trader if Your colleagues call you PIP Daddy You know you re a trader if Anyone got ideas. The real measure of your wealth is how much you d be worth if you lost all your money. A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don t need it - Bob Hope. Case in the firm The owner OWNER of a large brokerage firm made a surprise visit at the sales department s floor After a quick tour he reckoned that someone was standing near the secretary, doing nothing He turned angry and red, approached the guy GUY and asked him OWNER What s your salary, young man GUY Around 800 a week, replied the guy The owner pulled out 800 from his pocket, gave it to the guy and shouted OWNER Here s your salary Take it, leave now, and never come back After regaining calmness, the owner turned to the floor manager and asked him OWNER How comes you hire such a lousy person for the sales department The floor manager FM answered FM Well, he doesn t work here He is just the pizza delivery boy. I saw a bank tha t said if offered 24 Hour Banking But I didn t go in I didn t have that much time. I just went partners with my bank They own half my car. It was graduation day and Mom was trying to take a picture of their son in a cap and gown, posed with his father Let s try to make this look natural she said Junior, put your arm around your dad s shoulder The father answered, If you want it to look natural, why not have him put his hand in my pocket. A guy at work went in for a competition and won a trip to China He s out there now trying to win a trip back. William May I have some money for the man crying outside Mum What crying man William The one that s crying, Ice cream Ice Cream. If there is anyone to whom I owe money, I m prepared to forget it if they are - Errol Flynn. Buddies John meets his buddy George and asks him John Do me a favour, could you lend me 100 George checks in his wallet and his pockets, then replies George Sorry, pal I got only 50 John Only 50 Never mind Give me the 50 you have, a nd you owe me another 50.The student and the professor of economics. A student asked a professor of economics - What is the difference between socialism and capitalism The professor answered - Capitalism is the exploitation of humans by humans The Student - And socialism The professor - It s the inverse of course. If you owe the bank 100, that s your problem If you owe the bank 100 million, that s the bank s problem. A market guru walks into a pizzeria to order a pizza When the pizza is done, he goes up to the counter to get it There a clerk asks him Should I cut it into six pieces or eight pieces The guru replies I m feeling rather hungry right now You d better cut it into eight pieces. A man in a hot air balloon realised he was lost He reduced his altitude and saw a man below Excuse me, but can you help me I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago but I don t know where I am, he said. The man below replied You are in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 ft above the ground Y ou are between 40 and 41 degrees North latitude and between 56 and 57 degrees West longitude. To which the balloonist replied You must be a broker To which the man on the ground said I am, but how did you know. The reply came from above Everything you told me is technically correct but I have no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I m still lost Frankly, you ve not been much help so far. The man below responded You must be a trader To which the balloonist replied Yes, I am, but how did you know. To which the man on the ground said You don t know where you are or where you are going You have risen to your current position due to a large quantity of hot air You made a promise which you have no idea how to keep and you expect me to solve your problem The fact is, you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it s my fault. The market may be bad, but I slept like a baby last night I woke up every hour and cried. A wealthy man came home from a gambling trip and told his wife that he had lost their entire fortune and that they d have to drastically alter their life-style. If you ll just learn to cook, he said, we can fire the chef. Okay, she said And if you learn how to make love, we can fire the gardener.- My broker has a new service where they will text you your balance.- It s cool, I just don t think they should add LOL at the end. Italian businessman on his deathbed called his good friend and said, Luigi, I want you to promise me that when I die you will have my remains cremated. And what, his friend asked, do you want me to do with your ashes. The businessman said, Just put them in an envelope and mail them to the IRS and write on the envelope, Now you have everything. A policeman came upon a super-salesman about to jump from a bridge and yelled, Wait, Fellow Please don t do that. The salesman said, Why not and proceeded to expound on his views on the shaky economy, declining family life and politics. Shortly thereafter, they both jumped. At the scene of a bank raid the police officer came running up to his inspector and said, He got away, sir The inspector was furious But I told you to put a man on all the exits he roared How could he have got away He left by one of the entrances, sir. Money can t buy friends, but you can get a better class of enemy Spike Milligan. October This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks in The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February - Mark Twain. Bankers are people that help you with problems you would not have had without them. Bank manager I m sorry, sir, you can t open an account with this sort of money They re wooden pieces Lumberjack But I only want to open a shavings account. I went to the bank and went over my savings I found out I have all the money that I ll ever need if I die tomorrow - Henny Youngman. Inflation is cutting money in half without damaging the paper. A shopkeeper was dismaye d when a brand new business much like his own opened up next door and erected a huge sign which read BEST DEALS. He was horrified when another competitor opened up on his right, and announced its arrival with an even larger sign, reading LOWEST PRICES. The shopkeeper panicked, until he got an idea He put the biggest sign of all over his own shop It read MAIN ENTRANCE. Have you heard about the Irishman who reversed into a car boot sale and sold the engine. A guy wearing a singlet and slippers walked into the bank and practically shouted at the teller, Yo woman Who do I speak to to open a bloody bank account in this bloody bank. The teller politely told him to lower his voice as he was disturbing the other customers and that she would be able to open his bank account for him. The guy was practically foaming at the mouth Don t you tell me what to do And no woman is opening my bloody account You women are just good for cooking, cleaning and making babies I wanna speak to a man. The teller got up in a huff, went to the bank manager s office and explained the situation to him The bank manager told her that while the customer was always right, this customer was definitely wrong He went back with the teller to set the guy straight. About time a man showed up The guy was as loud, if not louder than before I just won 25 million dollars in the lottery and this bloody woman insisted that she s capable of opening my bloody account for me. She did, did she The bank manager was almost as loud as the guy She was just supposed to clean the windows and arrange the files Don t mind her Let s go to my bloody office and see what we can do about your bloody account. It s weird, though, cause this is my first time job and everything, but I could ve sworn I was making more money in college just working for my parents as their daughter - Melanie Reno. A business man called and had a question about the documents he needed in order to fly to China After a lengthy discussion about passports, I reminded h im he needed a visa Oh no I dont, Ive been to China many times and never had to have one of those I double checked, and sure enough, his stay required a visa When I told him this he said, Look, Ive been to China four times and every time they have accepted my American Express. Currency exchange A Japanese guy J is at Los Angeles International Airport, waiting for his flight back home to Japan While he s waiting, he goes to the currency exchange counter to change his remaining dollars He counts his money at the counter and says to the clerk C J Wait a minute When I came here I got more dollars for my yen What s going on here C Fluctuations The Japanese man stiffens J Well Fluck you Americans, too. The economy is the only field in which two people can get the Nobel Prize for saying exactly the opposite thing. Q In these busy market times, how can you get the attention of your broker A Say, Hey, waiter he s waitin always to get the price. What No E-mail. An unemployed man goes to apply for a j ob with Microsoft as a janitor The manager there arranges for him to take an aptitude test Section Floors, sweeping and cleaning After the test, the manager says, You will be employed at minimum wage, 5 25 an hour Let me have your e-mail address, so that I can send you a form to complete and tell you where to report for work on your first day Taken aback, the man protests that he has neither a computer nor an e-mail address To this the MS manager replies, Well, then, that means that you virtually don t exist and can therefore hardly expect to be employed Stunned, the man leaves Not knowing where to turn and having only 10 in his wallet, he decides to buy a 25 lb flat of tomatoes at the supermarket Within less than 2 hours, he sells all the tomatoes individually at 100 profit Repeating the process several times more that day, he ends up with almost 100 before going to sleep that night And thus it dawns on him that he could quite easily make a living selling tomatoes Getting up early eve ry day and going to bed late, he multiplies his profits quickly After a short time he acquires a cart to transport several dozen boxes of tomatoes, only to have to trade it in again so that he can buy a pick-up truck to support his expanding business By the end of the second year, he is the owner of a fleet of pick-up trucks and manages a staff of a hundred former unemployed people, all selling tomatoes Planning for the future of his wife and children, he decides to buy some life insurance Consulting with an insurance adviser, he picks an insurance plan At the end of the telephone conversation, the adviser asks him for his e-mail address in order to send the final documents electronically When the man replies that he has no e-mail, the adviser is stunned, What, you don t have e-mail How on earth have you managed to amass such wealth without the Internet, e-mail and e-commerce Just imagine where you would be now, if you had been connected to the internet from the very start After a mome nt of thought, the tomato millionaire replied, Why, of course I would be a floor cleaner at Microsoft Moral of this story 1 The Internet, e-mail and e-commerce do not need to rule your life 2 If you don t have e-mail, but work hard, you can still become a millionaire 3 Seeing that you got this story via e-mail, you re probably closer to becoming a janitor than you are to becoming a millionaire 4 If you do have a computer and e-mail, you have already been taken to the cleaners by Microsoft. TECH Hello, Friendly Internet May I help you. CUSTOMER Oh, hello young man I was wondering if you offer online banking. TECH We re an Internet service provider, ma am You can certainly use our service to connect to online banking. CUSTOMER What do I need to do that. TECH You just need the modem in your computer That plugs into a phone jack Sign up for an account, and sign up for online banking with your bank. CUSTOMER But where does the money come out. TECH I m not sure I understand. CUSTOMER You know Does t he money come out from that slot on the computer. A stupid bank robber rushed into a bank, pointed two fingers at the clerk and said, This is a muck up Don t you mean a stick up asked the girl No, said the robber, it s a muckup I ve forgotten my gun. Einstein dies and goes to heaven only to be informed that his room is not yet ready I hope you will not mind waiting in a dormitory We are very sorry, but it s the best we can do and you will have to share the room with others he is told by the doorman Einstein says that this is no problem at all and that there is no need to make such a great fuss So the doorman leads him to the dorm They enter and Albert is introduced to all of the present inhabitants See, Here is your first room mate He has an IQ of 180 Why that s wonderful Says Albert We can discuss mathematics And here is your second room mate His IQ is 150 Why that s wonderful Says Albert We can discuss physics And here is your third room mate His IQ is 100 That Wonderful We can discuss the latest plays at the theater Just then another man moves out to capture Albert s hand and shake it I m your last room mate and I m sorry, but my IQ is only 80 Albert smiles back at him and says, So, where do you think interest rates are headed.- If you found a five dollar bill in every pocket of your coat, what would you have - Someone else s coat. There are two things you are better off not watching in the making sausages and econometric estimates Edward Leamer. The two partners from a small law firm were having lunch when suddenly one of them looked alarmed He announced, I have to go back to the office right away I forgot to lock the safe What are you worried about asked the other We re both here. If you can count your money, you don t have a billion dollars. A young college co-ed came running in tears to her father Dad, you gave me some terrible financial advice I did What did I tell you said the dad. You told me to put my money in that big bank, and now that big bank is in trouble. W hat are you talking about That s one of the largest banks in the state, he said there must be some mistake. I don t think so, she sniffed They just returned one of my checks with a note saying, Insufficient Funds. A young banker decided to get his first tailor made suit So he went to the finest tailor in town and got measured for a suit A week later he went in for his first fitting He put on the suit and he looked stunning, he felt that in this suit he can do business. As he was preening himself in front of the mirror he reached down to put his hands in the pockets and to his surprise he noticed that there were no pockets He mentioned this to the tailor who asked him, Didn t you tell me you were a banker. The young man answered, Yes, I did. To this the tailor said, Who ever heard of a banker with his hands in his own pockets. When George found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his ill father died, he decided he needed a woman to enjoy it with So one evening he went to a singles club where he checked out the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty was astounding it took his breath away I may look like just an ordinary man, he said as he walked up to her, but in just a week or two my father will die, and I ll inherit 15 million dollars. Impressed, the woman went home with him that evening. Three days later, she became his stepmother. Economist One day an economist died and was accidentally sent to hell As we all know, all dogs and economists go to heaven, but in this instance old saint Peter was off his game and our economist joined all the rapists, murderers and forex traders in the underworld After a few weeks in hell the economist realises that it s not such a bad place after all, it s just chronically mismanaged So he implements a plan Within a few months the economy in hell is booming He has the budget in surplus which enables the devil to spend on infrastructure, and investment funds start to flow in, increasing capital expenditures throughout t he entire hellish economy After a year or two God looks down and notices that the standard of living in hell has increased to the point that most of his angels are booking their summer vacations there The beaches are lovely, and face it, heaven is the last place you re gonna find someone who can mix a decent cocktail He phones the devil to ask what s going on Satan explains that they have employed the services of an economist to fix their economy God is not happy You know that all economists go to heaven he yelled, send him back immediately or we re going to sue you The devil just laughed and replied, As if Where are you gonna get your hands on a lawyer. Customer Your watches seem so cheap Only twenty dollars How much does it cost to make them. Shopkeeper They cost me twenty dollars to make them. Customer But if it costs twenty dollars to make these watches, and you sell them for twenty dollars, where does your profit come in. Shopkeeper That comes from repairing them. dialogue between two friends - I hear that you drop some money in Wall Street Were you a bull or a bear - Neither, just a plain simple ass. Helium was up Feathers were down Paper was stationary Knives were up sharply Pencils lost a few points Hiking equipment was trailing Elevators rose, while escalators continued a slow decline Light switches were off Mining equipment hit rock bottom Diapers remained unchanged Shipping lines stayed at an even keel Balloon prices were inflated And batteries exploded in an attempt to recharge the market. I ll send you some money. A kid called up his mom from his college and asked her for some money, because he ran out of it Mom said Sure, sweetie I ll send you some money You also left your calculus book here when you visited 2 weeks ago Do you want me to send that up too Uh, oh yeah, OK, responded the kid So Mom wrapped the book along with the checks up in a package, kissed Dad goodbye, and went to the post office to mail the money and the book When she gets back, Dad asked We ll, how much did you give the boy this time Mom said Oh, I wrote 2 checks, one for 20, and the other for 1000 That s 1020 yelled Dad, Are you crazy Don t worry hon, Mom said, as she kissed Dad on the on top of his bald head, I taped the 20 check to the cover of his book, but I put the 1000 one somewhere between the pages in Chapter 19.Money talks Trouble is, mine only knows one word Goodbye. At a country-club party a young man was introduced to an attractive girl Immediately he began paying her court and flattering her outrageously The girl liked the young man, but she was taken a bit aback by his fast and ardent pitch She was amazed when after 30 minutes he seriously proposed marriage. Look, she said We only met a half hour ago How can you be so sure We know nothing about each other. You re wrong, the young man declared For the past 5 years I ve been working in the bank where your father has his account. How did the man feel when he got a big bill from the electric company He was shocked. Three econometricians went out hunting, and came across a large deer The first econometrician fired, but missed, by a meter to the left The second econometrician fired, but also missed, by a meter to the right The third econometrician didn t fire, but shouted in triumph, We got it We got it. An accountant goes into a pet shop to buy a parrot The shop owner shows him three identical parrots on a perch and says, The parrot on the left costs 500 Why does that parrot cost so much asks the accountant Well, replies the owner, it knows how to do complex audits How much does the middle parrot cost asks the accountant That one costs 1,000 because it can do everything the first one can do plus it knows how to prepare financial forecasts The startled accountant asks about the third parrot, to be told it costs 4,000 Needless to say, this begs the question, What can it do To which the owner replies To be honest, I ve never seen him do a darn thing, but the other two call him Senior Partner. An Asian man walked into the currency exchange line in a New York bank with 2000 yen, and he walked out with 72 The following week, he walked in with 2000 yen, and was handed 66 He asked the teller why he got less money than he had gotten the previous week The lady said, Fluctuations The Asian man stormed out, and just before slamming the door, he turned around and said, Fluc you Amelicans, too. A retired man visited a doctor to seek medical advice for what he suspects as new and very unusual health problems Doc, I feel shortness of breath, dizziness, cold sweats, can t sleep Do you think I will collapse any time soon Doctor Yep You must be from Wall Street. A woman was just getting out of the shower when the doorbell rang She threw on her towel and went to the door Dave, a poker buddy of her husband s was there He looked at her in her towel for a minute and whispered I ll give you 500 right now if you take of your towel for just 10 seconds That s 50 a second She thought about it a second, and th en took off her towel He smiled, gave her the money and walked away When she walked back into the bedroom, her husband asked Was that Dave Did he bring the 500 he owed me. McDonalds just added another item to its 1 value menu Citigroup stock. A Dollar Per Point. A professor was giving a big test one day to his students He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait Once the test was over the students all handed the tests back in The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a 100 bill to his test with a note saying A dollar per point The next class the professor handed the graded tests back out This student got back his test, his test grade, and 64 change. A preacher went into his church and he was praying to God While he was praying, he asked God, How long is 10 million years to you God replied, 1 second The next day the preacher asked God, God, how much is 10 million dollars to you And God replied, A penny Then finally the next day the preacher asked God, God, can I have one of your pennies And God replied, Just wait a sec. Lottery A broker named, Jean Paul, moved to Texas and bought a donkey from an old farmer named Ben for 100 The farmer agreed to deliver the donkey the next day The next day, Ben drove up and said, Ben Sorry, but I have some bad news The donkey died Jean Paul Well, then, just give me the money back, Ben Can t do that I went and spent it already Jean Paul OK, then Just unload the donkey, Ben What ya going to do with him Jean Paul I m going to raffle him off, Ben You can t raffle off a dead donkey Jean Paul Sure can Watch me I just won t tell that he s dead, A month later Ben met up with the Cajun and asked, Ben What happened with that dead donkey Jean Paul I raffled him off, I did I sold 500-hunderd tickets at two dollars apiece and made a profit of 898, Ben Didn t anyone complain Jean Paul Just the guy who won So I gave him his two dollars back. The problem with statistics Three statisticians are out pig shooting They s ee a large boar in the distance, so they jump out of their truck and level their rifles The first one fires A cloud of dirt erupts one metre to the left of the pig The second one fires A cloud of dirt erupts one metre to the right of the pig The third one shouts we got him so they jump back into the truck and drive off. A Japanese guy J is at Los Angeles International Airport, waiting for his flight back home to Japan While he s waiting, he goes to the currency exchange counter to change his remaining dollars. He counts his money at the counter and says to the clerk C J Wait a minute When I came here I got more dollars for my yen What s going on here C Fluctuations. The Japanese man stiffens J Well Fluck you Americans, too. A beautiful woman entered a bar and sat next to a lawyer Listen honey, she said, For 50, I ll do absolutely anything you want. The lawyer pulled fifty dollars from his wallet and said, Paint my house. An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he pred icted yesterday didn t happen today. Trading online is great I find it really speeds things up. I now get my margin calls 5x faster than before.- Why are diapers like 10 bills - Because you have to change them. Late one night a mugger wearing a ski mask jumped into a path of a well-dressed man and stuck a gun in his ribs give me your money, he demanded Indignant, the affluent man replied, you can t do this I am a United States congressman In that case, replied the mugger, give me MY money. A young girl and her father are looking at a nursery full of newborn babies All of them are crying Girl Are they hungry Dad No They just found out they ll have to pay for the stimulus bill. What s considered enough money Just a little bit more c Will Rogers. Money can buy a House But not a Home Money can buy a Bed But not Sleep Money can buy a Clock But not Time Money can buy you a Book But not Knowledge Money can buy you Medicine But not Health Money can buy you Sex But not Love.- Where do vampires keep t heir savings - In blood banks. Parents A bank provided by nature. After a laborious two-week criminal trial in a very high profile bank robbery case, the jury finally ended its 14 hours of deliberations and entered the courtroom to deliver its verdict to the judge The judge turns to the jury foreman and asks, Has the jury reached a verdict in this case. Yes we have, your honor, the foreman responded. Would you please pass it to me. The judge declared, as he motioned for the bailiff to retrieve the verdict slip from the foreman and deliver it to him. After the judge reads the verdict himself, he delivers the verdict slip back to his bailiff to be returned to the foreman and instructs the foreman, Please read your verdict to the court. We find the defendant NOT GUILTY of all four counts of bank robbery, stated the foreman. The family and friends of the defendant jump for joy at the sound of the not guilty verdict and hug each other as they shout expressions of divine gratitude The defendant s at torney turns to his client and asks. So, what do you think about that. The defendant looks around the courtroom slowly with a bewildered look on his face and then turns to his defense attorney and says. I m real confused here Does this mean that I have to give all the money back. Always borrow money from a pessimist, he doesn t expect to be paid back. A man being mugged by two thugs put up a tremendous fight Finally, the thugs subdued him and took his wallet Upon finding only two dollars in the wallet, the surprised thug said Why did you put up such a fight To which the man promptly replied I was afraid that you would find the 200 hidden in my shoe. Economy - purchasing the barrel of whiskey that you do not need for the price of the cow that you cannot afford. Stockbroker What is a million years like to you God Like one second Stockbroker What is a million dollars like to you God Like one penny Stockbroker Can I have a penny God Just a second. The best way of saving money is to forget the pers on you borrowed it from. Q Why did God create analysts A In order to make weather forecasters look good. SPREAD The only reliable way to make money on the FX market, which is why your broker charges you one. A woman returns to her car after shopping and is furious to find the side of her car is smashed in On the windshield is a note Relieved she picks it up and reads what it says As I m writing this a bunch of people are watching me They think I m writing down my name, number and insurance information But I m not. A man commented to his lunch companion My wife had a funny dream last night She dreamed she d married a millionaire You re lucky , sighed the companion My wife dreams that in the daytime. Meaning of potentially and realistically A young boy went up to his father and asked him, Dad, what is the difference between potentially and realistically The father thought for a moment, then answered, Go ask your mother if she would sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars Then ask your sist er if she would sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars, and then, ask your brother if he d sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars Come back and tell me what you learn from that So the boy went to his mother and asked, Would you sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars The mother replied, Of course, I would We could really use that money to fix up the house and send you kids to a great university The boy then went to his sister and asked, Would you sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars The girl replied, Oh, good heavens I LOVE Brad Pitt and I would sleep with him in a heartbeat Are you nuts The boy then went to his brother and asked, Would you sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars Of course, the brother replied Do you know how much a million bucks would buy The boy pondered the answers for a few days and then went back to his dad His father asked him, Did you find out the difference between potentially and realistically The boy replied, Yes, Potentially , you and I a re sitting on three million dollars, but realistically , we re living with two hookers and a future congressman. If you can count your money, you don t have a billion dollars c J Paul Getty. An economic forecaster was known to have an horseshoe prominently displayed above the doorframe of his office Asked what it was for, he replied it is a good luck charm that helps my forecasts But do you believe in that superstition he was asked. Of course not he said, but it works whether you believe in it or not. One day a young man came up to my window at the bank and whispered, Please deposit this hundred dollars in my savings account I handled the transaction and whispered back, Have a good day He started to leave but changed his mind I m sorry we have to whisper, he said, but if my car knows I ve deposited money, it ll break down again With his finger to his lips he tiptoed out. Little Johnny was crying one day, and his dad asked him why I ve lost five cents, sobbed Johnny Don t worry, said his dad kindly Here s five more for you At this Johnny howled louder than ever Now what is it asked his dad I wish I d said I d lost ten cents. The other day, my friends and I went to a ladies night club One of the girls wanted to impress the rest of us, so she pulled out a 10 bill When the male dancer came over to us, my friend licked the 10 bill and stuck it to his butt cheek Not to be outdone, another friend pulled out a 20 bill She called the guy back over, licked the 20 bill, and stuck it to his other butt cheek In another attempt to impress the rest of us, my third friend pulled out a 50 bill and called the guy over I was worried about the way things were going, but she licked the bill and just stuck it to one of his butt cheeks again My relief was short lived Seeing the way things were going, the guy gyrated over to me Now everyone s attention was focused on me, and the guy was egging me on to try and top the 50 My brain was churning as I reached for my wallet What could I do I got out my ATM card, swiped it down the crack of his ass, grabbed the 80 bucks, and went home. Races Soros and a Bernanke went to the races Soros suggested to bet 10,000 on a horse Bernanke was sceptical, saying that he wanted first to understand the rules, to look on horses, etc Soros whispered that he knew a secret algorithm for the success, but he could not convince Bernanke Soros You are too theoretical, he said and bet on a horse Surely, that horse came first bringing him a lot of money Triumphantly, he exclaimed I told you, I knew the secret Bernanke What is your secret Soros It is rather easy I have two kids, three and five year old I sum up their ages and I bet on number nine Bernanke But, three and five is eight, Soros I told you, you are too theoretical Soros replied, Haven t I just shown experimentally that my calculation is correct.- What do you call five hedge fund managers at the bottom of the ocean - A good start. I hope you re OK reader, after all that must have come as quite a s hock Now you ve picked yourself up the floor, after reading the article title, which is a fact well kinda , we ll dwell on the subject at hand why do so many lose at trading forex and what are the adjustments so many have to make in order to be in that top forty percent of winners. OK, before we go any further let s firstly deal with the 39 of winning traders quote The fact comes as courtesy of forexmagnates in their redux lite version of a report covering the profitability and performance of USA based forex brokers The leading figure was 39 1 client profitability from a broker who had circa 24,000 active accounts There s also other interesting snippets of information that are worth noting before we move on. There was a steep fall in the number of accounts and activity levels in 2011 whilst the percentages of profitable traders increased This could suggest a couple of interesting points, firstly are we collectively getting better at what we do Or and it s not mutually exclusive have a lo t of amateurs left the arena, gone back to the day job, leaving the numbers to be enhanced by the superior or more proficient traders More importantly the number of brokers has shrunk, only the fittest of traders aided by most regulatory compliant firms will thrive. Number of forex accounts held with US forex brokers drops by more than 11,000 to all time low of 97,206.Clients profitability is up 6 4 on average, second consecutive quarter that profitability is improvin. The US retail forex industry is now showing obvious signs of slow down, the number of non-discretionary retail forex accounts held with US based reporting brokers down to record 97,206, the lowest count reported since Q3 2010 when first such report was released The extreme regulatory climate has made it extremely difficult for American brokers to attract new clients However, out of the top ten forex clients listed the lowest recorded level of profitability was circa 32.It s fascinating how many of us would receive a paradi gm lightening bolt to our pre-conceptions when hit with the kind of figure that led this article I m not alone in taking at face value some of the data and assumptions that come our way as forex traders Instinctively I knew that the unsubstantiated figure often hurled around trading forums that only 10 of traders are profitable, was nonsense. Having enquired at director level and read a comprehensive investors intelligence report, the reasonable figure for success was estimated at 20 , double the previous assumption, but 39 certainly took many by surprise the first time it was published, even more so that the top ten USA brokers have clients enjoying a 32 success rate There is, however, a caveat, my twenty percent figure includes spread betters who could in theory be skewing the data due to being much worse traders en masse than pure play forex traders, a theory worth examining at a later date. A question often raised by these type of success stats is are a tiny percentage of successful traders distorting these figures But generally percentages, averages and the distribution of random data doesn t work like that, and we should already know this being traders If circa 40 of trades are profitable then the figure for the percentage of actual traders being profitable will be fairly close to that number. In the first paragraph we posed the question why are so many traders unprofitable Well armed with this new information I wonder if that assumption shouldn t be examined in more detail Firstly, out of the circa 97,000 live accounts held in the USA roughly one third are profitable, now not all of these account holders will be full time dedicated sole occupation forex traders, some accounts would be used as punting accounts, folk who bet as opposed to trade and we can save the obvious cerebral discussion on the difference for another time. It s impossible to gauge that breakdown of actual numbers of profitable traders from the information and data, but a figure above 50 would b e a fairly safe bet and let s just take our logic a stage further in order to be full time, for some time , the vast majority would have to be profitable, otherwise they d simply give up the job It s interesting to note the further away we re moving from this fantasy 10 figure the more we analyse a small piece of hard audited data. There s another aspect to this debate on success that s also worth mentioning, perhaps supporting the view that FX is the best environment to trade in If the wider trading success figure is closer to 20 , but the top ten USA FX brokers clients are all above 32 , then are we being delivered an obvious message there If you want to enhance the probability of being a profitable trader then trade FX over and above equities, or indices and only consider using dare I say it an ECN STP broker such as FXCC. Here s my own take on a more human level so to speak I refuse to accept that anyone who has gone through my pain barriers over the past five years or so, who has go ne to the extremes of discovery I realised was compulsory in order to become a consistently profitable forex trader, wouldn t ultimately be successful and by successful I d suggest a metric of taking a regular and reasonable salary or investment return of the forex market And as I ve stated on numerous occasions unless you attack our forex challenge full time you ll never kick off the shoes and trade part time in a laid back fashion, that s a luxury that only comes from experience. Back to the question posed in the initial paragraph why do so many lose at trading forex and what are the adjustments so many have to make in order to be in that top forty percent of winners I ll leave you with six reasons and please feel free to join in on the blog with your own suggestions or additions Now I m not about to eulogise on the reasons and of provide solutions, it s a straightforward list and there s no riddle, the answers are there, the solution evident. But firstly a recap, if close on forty per cent of traders are successful then success as a profitable forex trader may be more in reach than you d first envisaged And that one figure, far higher than most would have anticipated, should be heralded as encouragement for fledgling traders. Six Reasons For Failure. Low start up capital. Failure to manage risk. Indecision doubting the plan. Trying to pick tops or bottoms. Refusing to be accept losses. I knew that 90-95 losers number was just fantasy I suspect that if you look at serious traders Trading with a plan, researching and doing the work screen time mostly you d see over that over 50 of them are profitable. I am profitable since the beginning of my live account and I never really understood that trading is hard thinking Just by using tight stops you can make money taking buy sell positions with a coinflip Try it on forex tester or another software if you don t believe me. Of course don t be a fool and always use an ECN broker. Julien, glad to see forex trading is treating you well Ha ving a plan is one of the fundamentals of profitable trading Money management is another. Let s hope the winners keep flowing your way. Paul Holmes says. It is one of the most prevalent myths in our industry, yet here it is, in black and white debunked by the USA official body. Your references to having a plan, sticking to it, ensuring you adopt strict money management rules to your trading and keeping a healthy trading psyche give huge clues as to why you re enjoying I haven t even mentioned method, the third factor in the 3Ms. Get the MM and MIND right, adapt one of many tried and tested METHODS and the profits should follow. I traded demo for a year before going live Trying just about every method under the sun. Many strategies are profitable, but the most important factors are always the same.- Respecting your SL do not close it before it gets hit or move it further away.- Never change your lot size after a loss to make the money back.- Take profit at target and don t cut a positive move short because it might go bad Moving your stop at break-even 1 when you start worrying is a good way to control fear. I hope you re OK reader, after all that must have come as quite a shock Now you ve picked yourself up the floor, after reading the article title, which is a fact well kinda , we ll dwell on the subject at hand why do so many lose at trading forex and what are the adjustments so many have to make in order to be in that top forty percent of winners. OK, before we go any further let s firstly deal with the 39 of winning traders quote The fact comes as courtesy of forexmagnates in their redux lite version of a report covering the profitability and performance of USA based forex brokers The leading figure was 39 1 client profitability from a broker who had circa 24,000 active accounts There s also other interesting snippets of information that are worth noting before we move on. There was a steep fall in the number of accounts and activity levels in 2011 whilst the percentages of profitable traders increased This could suggest a couple of interesting points, firstly are we collectively getting better at what we do Or and it s not mutually exclusive have a lot of amateurs left the arena, gone back to the day job, leaving the numbers to be enhanced by the superior or more proficient traders More importantly the number of brokers has shrunk, only the fittest of traders aided by most regulatory compliant firms will thrive. Number of forex accounts held with US forex brokers drops by more than 11,000 to all time low of 97,206.Clients profitability is up 6 4 on average, second consecutive quarter that profitability is improvin. The US retail forex industry is now showing obvious signs of slow down, the number of non-discretionary retail forex accounts held with US based reporting brokers down to record 97,206, the lowest count reported since Q3 2010 when first such report was released The extreme regulatory climate has made it extremely difficult for American broker s to attract new clients However, out of the top ten forex clients listed the lowest recorded level of profitability was circa 32.It s fascinating how many of us would receive a paradigm lightening bolt to our pre-conceptions when hit with the kind of figure that led this article I m not alone in taking at face value some of the data and assumptions that come our way as forex traders Instinctively I knew that the unsubstantiated figure often hurled around trading forums that only 10 of traders are profitable, was nonsense. Having enquired at director level and read a comprehensive investors intelligence report, the reasonable figure for success was estimated at 20 , double the previous assumption, but 39 certainly took many by surprise the first time it was published, even more so that the top ten USA brokers have clients enjoying a 32 success rate There is, however, a caveat, my twenty percent figure includes spread betters who could in theory be skewing the data due to being much wors e traders en masse than pure play forex traders, a theory worth examining at a later date. A question often raised by these type of success stats is are a tiny percentage of successful traders distorting these figures But generally percentages, averages and the distribution of random data doesn t work like that, and we should already know this being traders If circa 40 of trades are profitable then the figure for the percentage of actual traders being profitable will be fairly close to that number. In the first paragraph we posed the question why are so many traders unprofitable Well armed with this new information I wonder if that assumption shouldn t be examined in more detail Firstly, out of the circa 97,000 live accounts held in the USA roughly one third are profitable, now not all of these account holders will be full time dedicated sole occupation forex traders, some accounts would be used as punting accounts, folk who bet as opposed to trade and we can save the obvious cerebral di scussion on the difference for another time. It s impossible to gauge that breakdown of actual numbers of profitable traders from the information and data, but a figure above 50 would be a fairly safe bet and let s just take our logic a stage further in order to be full time, for some time , the vast majority would have to be profitable, otherwise they d simply give up the job It s interesting to note the further away we re moving from this fantasy 10 figure the more we analyse a small piece of hard audited data. There s another aspect to this debate on success that s also worth mentioning, perhaps supporting the view that FX is the best environment to trade in If the wider trading success figure is closer to 20 , but the top ten USA FX brokers clients are all above 32 , then are we being delivered an obvious message there If you want to enhance the probability of being a profitable trader then trade FX over and above equities, or indices and only consider using dare I say it an ECN STP broker such as FXCC. Here s my own take on a more human level so to speak I refuse to accept that anyone who has gone through my pain barriers over the past five years or so, who has gone to the extremes of discovery I realised was compulsory in order to become a consistently profitable forex trader, wouldn t ultimately be successful and by successful I d suggest a metric of taking a regular and reasonable salary or investment return of the forex market And as I ve stated on numerous occasions unless you attack our forex challenge full time you ll never kick off the shoes and trade part time in a laid back fashion, that s a luxury that only comes from experience. Back to the question posed in the initial paragraph why do so many lose at trading forex and what are the adjustments so many have to make in order to be in that top forty percent of winners I ll leave you with six reasons and please feel free to join in on the blog with your own suggestions or additions Now I m not about to eul ogise on the reasons and of provide solutions, it s a straightforward list and there s no riddle, the answers are there, the solution evident. But firstly a recap, if close on forty percent of traders are successful then success as a profitable forex trader may be more in reach than you d first envisaged And that one figure, far higher than most would have anticipated, should be heralded as encouragement for fledgling traders. Six Reasons For Failure. Low start up capital. Failure to manage risk. Indecision doubting the plan. Trying to pick tops or bottoms. Refusing to be accept losses. I knew that 90-95 losers number was just fantasy I suspect that if you look at serious traders Trading with a plan, researching and doing the work screen time mostly you d see over that over 50 of them are profitable. I am profitable since the beginning of my live account and I never really understood that trading is hard thinking Just by using tight stops you can make money taking buy sell positions with a coin flip Try it on forex tester or another software if you don t believe me. Of course don t be a fool and always use an ECN broker. Julien, glad to see forex trading is treating you well Having a plan is one of the fundamentals of profitable trading Money management is another. Let s hope the winners keep flowing your way. Paul Holmes says. It is one of the most prevalent myths in our industry, yet here it is, in black and white debunked by the USA official body. Your references to having a plan, sticking to it, ensuring you adopt strict money management rules to your trading and keeping a healthy trading psyche give huge clues as to why you re enjoying I haven t even mentioned method, the third factor in the 3Ms. Get the MM and MIND right, adapt one of many tried and tested METHODS and the profits should follow. I traded demo for a year before going live Trying just about every method under the sun. Many strategies are profitable, but the most important factors are always the same.- Respecting yo ur SL do not close it before it gets hit or move it further away.- Never change your lot size after a loss to make the money back.- Take profit at target and don t cut a positive move short because it might go bad Moving your stop at break-even 1 when you start worrying is a good way to control fear.
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